Transform Your Well-being

Experience a life style with our Nikken's  5 pillars of wellbeing. Enhance your health and vitality today!

Nikken Sleep

Systems for a restful sleep, that provide support, comfort, adequate temperature, and relaxation to the body through natural technologies that create the right conditions for physical and mental renewal.


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Nikken Sleep System, Magnets Pillow, Nikken Matress

Nikken Hydration

Pimag Waterfall Filter, water filter, water filtration, water purification

Nikken PiMag Waterfall®

Give your body some smart hydration 

The PiMag Waterfall® works in four processes:

1) Pre-filters for sediments

2) Filters for heavy metals

3) Mineral stones adjust pH 

4) Magnets in the tap help improve cellular absorption

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Nikken water

PiMag® Sport Bottle

The PiMag® Sport Bottle filters is a green choice due to its reusability and biodegradable materials. A unique combination of three technologies helps ensure that the Sport Bottle exceeds ANSI/NSF or EPA standards:

1) Patented nano-fiber filtrations helps reduce potential contaminants,

2) Patented alkalizing media increases pH from 7 to 8.5, and

3) 4,600+ gauss neodymium magnets help decluster water.

At the end of its long life the EcoPure biodegradable bottle will break down and help nourish the soil.

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Time to clock another personal best

Nikken Magnets

Innovative patent-pending technology takes energy management to a new level with this active grounding massage set.

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The best complement for your daily routine. Nutritional supplements that provide responsible, balanced and natural nutrition.

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Magnetic Insoles

Magnetic Insoles

We created a comprehensive campaign to highlight the benefits of magnetic insoles. The campaign emphasized improved circulation, pain relief, and overall wellness. This helped increase awareness and drive sales.

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Knee wraps, ankle wraps, elbow wraps

Support Wraps

● Orthopedic design

● Support with flexibility

● Hand washable

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Marine Organic Skin Care

Skin Care At the very heart of KENZEN TRUE elements® Marine Organic Skincare range is a synergistic blend of organic seaweeds and coastline plant -a natural source of vitamins, minerals, amino-acids, anti-oxidants and fatty acids.


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Skin care

Nikken Jewelry

Elegance for every occasion. More than an accessory, these pieces are part of our range of jewelry that combines an elegant and beautiful design with the Magnetic Technology for which NIKKEN is world-renowned.


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Nikken Jewelry, magnetic jewelry,

Special Offers

Discover organic products that nourish, comfort and ground you. — Live with Active Wellness and share prosperity.


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Nikken Offers

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